22 Feb 2018

Gita: Takaka faces huge clean-up, waits on supplies

From Morning Report, 7:10 am on 22 February 2018

Takaka and the surrounding area faces a long and expensive clean up after Tuesday night's big storm while other areas are still being hit by the tail of former cyclone Gita. Six homes on the Kapiti Coast were flooded overnight after stormwater drains failed to cope with torrential rain. Emergency water pipeline repairs are under way in New Plymouth where a quarter of the residents have had their supply cut. Thousands in Taranaki are still without power. In Golden Bay the immediate priority is supplying the necessities of life to thousands of locals and tourists after the only road over Takaka Hill was severly damaged by slips, and Neil Walker from the Transport Agency says it is unlikely to reopen any time soon. The first barge load of supplies is expected to arrive at nearby Port Tarakohe. It's estimated there are about 1000 tourists in the area. RNZ reporter Logan Church is in Takaka and joins Susie Ferguson with an update.