23 Aug 2023

Canterbury school rejects govt synthetic carpet offer in favour of wool

From Checkpoint, 5:29 pm on 23 August 2023

A rural North Canterbury school is among those rejecting a government offer of free imported synthetic carpet saying it's highly offensive to its wider farming community and instead it will fundraise for wool carpet.

Now carpet company Bremworth is also offering a 30% discount on wool carpet for schools.

It says the Ministry of Education should give schools the cash to make their own choice rather than supplying tiles made from petroleum derived plastic.

It follows the Ministry's controversial decision to award a multi million dollar contract to US firm Milliken to lay nylon carpet tiles in more than 600 rural schools, which sparked outrage from communities and farmers.

Cheryl Barbara Principal of Rotherham School in North Canterbury spoke to Lisa Owen. 

Show status: Off air

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