2 Dec 2023

Palau's president seeks support for Blue Prosperity

From , 6:02 am on 2 December 2023
President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. at the World Green Economy Summit in Dubai with Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates.

Palau President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. at the World Green Economy Summit in Dubai with Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates. Photo: Supplied/ Palau press office

Palau's president is already garnering support from Pacific leaders to commit to sustainable ocean management.

Palau's Blue Prosperity funding plan has been established with the hope of raising anywhere from half a billion to a billion dollars through bilateral arrangements and philanthropy.

President Surangel Whipps Jr. said he met with various groups and leaders while in Rarotonga at the Pacific Islands Forum leaders' summit and encouraged them to get on board.

He spoke with RNZ Pacific's Lydia Lewis from Dubai.