A Whanganui River kaumatua has just published a book that talks about the history of his home marae at Kaiwhaiki.
Morvin Simon has already written three other books, the first edition of Taku Whare E was released 30 years ago which gave details about all of the marae in the Whanganui region, which was followed up by a second edition some 15 years later as a supplement to the first one.
He says his third edition specifically focuses on Kaiwhaiki Marae over his whole lifespan and speaks about some of the major events including when his wharepuni (meeting house) was first opened in 1912.
Mr Simon he says the book mainly covers the 68 years he has been living at the marae, what his Nga Paerangi people are doing now and their aspirations for the future.
He says when he wrote his first book 30 years ago many kaumatua where dubious about releasing historical information, but he says it is important to pass on the history for other the next generation to learn about.
One hundred and fifty copies of Taku Whare E III have been printed with another 100 more expected to roll off the printers.
The release of the book coincided with the centenary of the Kiritahi meeting house on 1 December.