The president of the French Polynesian assembly, Jacqui Drollet, has rejected claims that he last month ignored the voting wish of an assembly member currently in detention.
Clarenntz Vernaudon says he changed his stance on decolonisation and sent a letter advising Mr Drollet that he was against the resolution, asking for France to reinscribe the territory on the UN decolonisation list.
According to the La Depeche newspaper, Mr Drollet says the letter hadn't arrived when the vote was taken, and 30 out of 57 members approved the resolution.
Mr Vernaudon claimed his proxy vote didn't represent his intention and his lawyer said that might have called into question the legality of the vote.
Last month, the opposition called for the French high commissioner to seek to annul the resolution because the outcome of the vote couldn't be verified as it was done by raised hands.