There are plans to raise more than 200,000 US dollars to build and stock a library in the former capital of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville.
The idea of establishing of library in Arawa comes from New Zealand author, Lloyd Jones, who wrote the best selling novel, Mister Pip, which was set in Bougainville at the height of the civil war.
Mr Jones says during his promotional work for the book there was a lot of interest in what had happened in Bougainville and he decided to try and leverage this and do something worthwhile for the people.
He says since last year he's been working with the Arawa-based Bougainville Heritage Foundation.
"And their objective is to establish a libary and protect Bougainville culture and indentity. Back here, I established the Bougainville Library Trust and our objective is to actually help the Bougainville Heritage Foundation realise its goal of having a library and a cultural centre."
The Bougainville Library Trust will be launched in Wellington tomorrow.