There is support from the Solomon Islands National Council of Women for the efforts by the police to deal with the problem of the illegal brewing of kwaso.
The council's general secretary, Ella Kauhue, says kwaso, which has an alcohol content of between 90 to 100 percent, is causing many problems in Honiara.
She says women are reporting more cases of domestic violence and the drinking of kwaso is widespread in settlements and on the streets, by youth and the unemployed, because it is so much cheaper to buy than beer.
Ms Kauhue says it's good the police are cracking down on the brewing of kwaso but more needs to be done.
"They are doing it as a matter of survival. They have no other way to gain money, to earn money, so they are doing it. However, it is really causing a big problem for families, families are breaking up and also, domestic violence is increasing."
Ella Kauhue.