Fiji's acting police commissioner has clarified that the military and police can use force under the Public Safety Regulations currently in force in the country.
Radio Legend quotes Romanu Tikotikoca as saying that although people have criticised the recent alleged threats and assaults at the military camp, the regulation is very clear.
Mr Tikotikoca says police and the military have powers of arrest and search, and can use force in this regard.
He says there is also the power to use force as an officer may consider necessary.
Section 20.C of the Public Safety Regulations allows for the use of force in the arrest of people suspected of having breached the Regulations.
Mr Tikotikoca says if the actions are not in line with section 20 of the Regulations, then a complaint can be lodged with police so they can investigate.
His comments come after some people allegedly linked to anti-military blogsites were taken to the Suva military camp, detained and allegedly abused.
The former SDL minister and MP, Ted Young, who was allegedly assaulted at the military camp yesterday, has filed a complaint with the police.