Solomon Islands Deputy Police Commissioner, Wilfred Akau, says there is no need for an enquiry into the police force.
The Solomon lslands Civil Society Network wants an enquiry to try and isolate the serious problems affecting its performance.
It also wants all special constables demobilized and all arms still in the community retrieved.
The Network says there has been some improvement in the police's performance, but serious problems remain and an enquiry might be the best way of isolating these. .
Mr Akau acknowledges there are problems but he says they have made a lot of recent progress, including putting special constables through training courses, and he has dismissed the call for an enquiry.
"I am not very much concerned, with the Civil society, because they're talking alot and very little to the police, providing any alternative, they would come up with.I regard them as people making lot of noises and nonsense. without making some constructive argument sort of thing."
Wilfred Akau.