The Taiwanese ambassador to Solomon Islands says more decisive action against crime is needed if the government is to keep the momentum from the disarmament program.
P Y Teng told Solomon Islands radio that there are many unresolved crimes against business houses, especially those owned by ethnic Asians and foreign investors.
Mr Teng says these people are the most important pillars of economic activity in Solomon Islands so they deserve the government's appropriate attention and protection.
Mr Teng says the government needs to build public confidence and he says he commends the establishment of the Think Tank Task Force in the prime minister's office, which has projected an image that it was serious about good governance.
Mr Teng was one of many officials attending the aid donors meeting in Honiara yesterday.
The government says aid donors have confirmed that they will maintain or increase their levels of support.
It says yesterday's meeting with aid donors agreed that government borrowing was unsustainable as its debt has now surpassed 150 million US dollars.
The Solomons government says it needs considerable support to carry out reforms because of their social consequences.