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Election 2023: RNZ's guide to party policy
Promises, promises: it’s easy to forget which party has pledged what. Welcome to RNZ’s go-to guide for party policy ahead of the 14 October election day. We’ll keep updating this guide as policies are…
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Long time in the pipeline, prohibition of mining bill
Previous experience as a Minister of Conservation and Land Information was instructive in the shaping of Eugenie Sage's Crown Minerals (Prohibition of Mining) Amendment Bill. Audio
West Coast mayor calls for mining options on DOC land
The Grey District Mayor, Tony Kokshoorn wants the conservation estate kept open for new mining projects on the West Coast.
A prohibition on new mines on DOC land was announced in 2017.
But a… Audio
Question Time for 24 June 2014
Audio 24 Jun 2014- TE URUROA FLAVELL to the Minister of Conservation: Does he agree with Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Jan Wright, that joint decision-making with the Minister for Energy and…
Government planning more mining despite backdown
Audio 21 Jul 2010The Government is planning more mining of the conservation estate despite backing down on plans to allow prospecting on land protected by Schedule four of the Crown Minerals Act. Audio
Oil exploration takes a knock
Audio 20 Jul 2010As the government looks to open up parts of the conservation estate to mining, oil exploration has taken another knock. Audio
Newmont won't pay gold, silver royalties at Martha
Audio 29 Jun 2010Just days out from the government's decision about mining on the conservation estate, it's been reported the mining company, Newmont Waihi Gold, pays no royalties on the gold and silver it extracts… Audio
Miners want more time to check out potential deposits
Audio 27 May 2010The mining industry wants more time to work out exactly where potential mineral deposits are before decisions are made on the future of the conservation estate. Audio
Govt continues to get a grilling over its mining proposals
Audio 4 May 2010The Government has faced another grilling in Parliament over its proposals to mine more of the conservation estate. Audio
Ideas for 11 April 2010: Mining on the Conservation Estate
Gary Taylor of the Environmental Defence Society and Chris Baker, acting CEO of mining lobby group Straterra, discuss the Governments proposal to open up 7000 hectares of conservation land for mineral… Audio
National turns mining debate back on Labour
Audio 25 Mar 2010Labour has again question the Government's figures on the proposed mining in the conservation estate. Audio
Govt forced to defend mining plans
Audio 23 Mar 2010The Government has been forced to defend its plans to mine more of the conservation estate during a heated Question Time in Parliament. Audio
Mining the Conservation Estate
Audio 23 Mar 2010Kathryn speaks with: two prominent mayors, one pro and one anti mining; the Minerals Industry Association CEO and; a spokesperson for Coromandel Watchdog - to gain a comprehensive overview of the… Audio
Tourism sector wary of Conservation mining proposal
Audio 23 Mar 2010Government proposals to open up parts of the Conservation estate to mining have been welcomed by the mining industry but have stunned environmentalists. Audio
Question Time for 17 March
Audio 17 Mar 2010Questions to Ministers 1. METIRIA TUREI to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his statement "Notwithstanding the public consultation process, it is my expectation that the Government will act on… Audio
Question time for 16 March
Audio 16 Mar 2010Questions to Ministers 1. Hon PHIL GOFF to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his comments with regard to mining in the conservation estate 2. CRAIG FOSS to the Minister of Finance: Has he… Audio
Forest and Bird says govt running scared over mining
Audio 15 Mar 2010The environmental lobby group Forest and Bird claims the Government is running scared over its plans to open up the conservation estate to mining. Audio
PM questions Forest and Bird's claims on mining
Audio 15 Mar 2010The Prime Minister John Key is questioning the veracity of claims made by environmental group, Forest and Bird, about the government's plans for mining on the conservation estate. Audio
Question time for 16 February 2010
Audio 16 Feb 2010Questions to ministers 1. CRAIG FOSS to the Minister of Finance: What does the latest GDP data show about New Zealand's recent growth performance 2. Hon PHIL GOFF to the Prime Minister: How many… Audio
PM's 'Think Big' ideas outdated - green groups
Audio 10 Feb 2010The Prime Minister sent a clear signal that the Government is ready to open up parts of the Conservation estate to allow more mining. Audio