11 May 2024

Angus and Julia Stone: Live at Roundhead Studio

From Music 101, 2:06 pm on 11 May 2024


Before recording Cape Forestier, the siblings have been "doing their own thing" for about three years, Angus tells Charlotte Ryan.

"I've been working on Dope Lemon. Julia has been working on [her third solo album] Sixty Summers and writing on other projects as well."

It was Angus's idea that they reconnect musically, Julia says, and a support gig for American musician Ben Harper was "the beginning of the conversation".

"It was really special because the first thing Angus taught me on guitar was 'Walk Away' by Ben Harper. And then we got asked to go out with him and do six shows. And all the shows were just so magic.

"Following that, we sort of started the conversations. We've kind of wanted for a long time to do a really stripped-back tour. And so we thought, let's like talk about making a stripped-back album. Like how we started, I suppose."

Angus and Julia Stone at Roundhead Studio with Charlotte Ryan

Angus and Julia Stone at Roundhead Studio with Charlotte Ryan Photo:

Decades on, Angus is proud he and Julia have managed to keep making music and travelling together.

"It's a real feat to be able to still walk into a room and not, you know, rip each other's heads off. But with that comes a great respect and love for one another. And there's obviously a lot that goes without saying. When you're writing, there's a certain thing that you don't get outside of family and we've earned the trust."

Over the years, Julia says she and her brother have earned "real respect" from each other.

"When we started we were already in a different position because we'd spent life growing up together. So we had a united history and family is hard because of that but it's also beautiful because of that.

"You find friends who relate to you or your experience as a human as you move through life, but no one really knows what it was like to be in that particular home at that particular time like your family does.

"We started [making music together] in the living room, our first EP 'Chocolates and Cigarettes' we recorded at Dad's house. Put up some mics around the room and just played the songs.

"We've been on this wild, wild trip and the song ['Cape Forestier'] is about this boat that's been on this wild journey. And it just keeps going. the storms are coming and the seas are raging. And it's an old fishing trawler and it just chugs through and it stays steady. And it doesn't pull away when things get hard.

"It is a choice for [Angus and I] all the time to come back and work together. It's not a given, we don't take it for granted."

Across the journey of their album releases, Julia can hear herself and Angus becoming more comfortable with themselves.

"I certainly feel like we started quite young. Being a 20-year-old came with a lot of baggage and came with a lot of real desire to be liked and to feel like I fit in - and I can hear that in my voice.

"I'm not saying I'm beyond that but I can hear the growth and there's a sense of each record having more authenticity in the way that I deliver the music that I write. I can hear that in Angus, as well. Yeah, we're becoming more comfortable with the journey we've been on."

Angus and Julia Stone played:

'Losing You'

'Big Jet Plane' - "This world we live in, travelling, playing music, you meet lots of beautiful humans around the world. I guess this song is about having to say goodbye to some of the people you meet along the way" - Angus Stone

'Cape Forestier'

'The Wedding Song' - "This is a song that we wrote for a couple of friends of ours who got married. It has a very creative title. Basically, we recorded it and then asked our fans who had a bootleg version of the song that was being played at their weddings to send in footage from weddings around the world. And we got about 500 videos of people's celebrations of love from everywhere and it was so incredible. We could only squeeze about 80 into the three-minute video clip but it's been so nice to have this out there in the world now, a nice version of it" - Julia Stone